Septic tanks are a crucial component of many residential properties, responsible for safely processing wastewater. However, they often remain out of sight and out of mind, buried underground. This lack of accessibility can lead to inconveniences and expenses when it comes to maintenance, inspections, and repairs. That’s where septic tank risers come into play. A septic tank riser is a pipe that provides easy access at ground level. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of having a septic tank riser installed on your property.
What is a Septic Tank riser?
A riser is a pipe that creates a vertical portal to your septic tank. A riser provides access to your septic tank at ground level. Without a riser, your septic tank lid is typically buried several feet under ground. If your septic system doesn’t already have a riser in place, consider the benefits of adding one.
Benefits of a riser
1. Quick access to your septic tank
One of the primary advantages of having a septic tank riser is quick access to your septic tank when it’s time for maintenance or pumping. Septic tanks require periodic pumping to remove accumulated solids and prevent system failures. Without a riser, accessing your septic tank means digging up your yard, which can be both time-consuming and costly. The excavated area will need to be restored once the work is done, further adding to the expenses. By contrast, with a riser in place, maintenance professionals can easily reach the tank without disturbing your landscaping. This not only saves you money on excavation and yard restoration but also keeps your yard looking nice and well-maintained.